Course Description
This course introduces developers to the Magento 2 JavaScript platform and associated development techniques. It is intended for developers who want to develop essential skills in implementing and customizing solutions using Magento 2 JavaScript-related functionality.
- Unit 1: JavaScript Development: Technology Stack
- RequireJS
- UnderscoreJS
- jQuery/jQuery Widget
- KnockoutJS
- Unit 2: Javascript Development: Core Capabilities
- Magento Modular Structure
- JS Modules in Magento
- Executing JS Modules
- jQuery Widgets in Magento
- Cutomizing JS Modules
- Unit 3: JavaScript Development: Core JS Library
- mage Library
- mage Widgets
- Customer Data
- Unit 4: JavaScript Devleopment: UI Components
- Knockout Customizations
- Emerging UI Components
- UI Components
- Grids and Forms Overview
Getting Started
Currently there is a group that has access to the Magento U platform. You can get started by going to this link: here